Fancy a cigar? What could be a better way of enjoying a fresh cigar than heading to Havana, the capital city of Cuba, home of the world famous Cuban cigars? But even if cigars are the last thing on your mind, you would still have a great time visiting Havana.
Be transported back in time to a different world, where the narrow cobbled streets come alive with ancient models of cars going past colonial Spanish buildings. Go strolling along El Malecon, the seafront boulevard Havana is well-known for, and bask in the vibe of the city while seeing some sights and meeting locals. Get your fill of the ropavieja, Cuba’s national dish that is made of shredded beef stewed with vegetables and spices and help push it down with a mojito – Cuba’s national drink. Listen to the rhythm and dance to the salsa as street players give you a sampling of the Cuban beat.
The culture-rich city of Havana is a delight to the senses, an experience waiting to be perceived in its fullness. If you are to truly enjoy this beautiful and sensual city, you need to approach it with a fresh perspective. This is why you need a dependable charter flight service to bring you to Havana: you need Caribbean Charter Flights.
Caribbean Charter Flights has a long-standing reputation of delighting customers who sign up for our charter flights. Fully committed to delivering excellent service and customer satisfaction, we hire only the best pilots, operators and flight crew to serve our flyers. Our professional team makes sure that every flight goes as planned, with the flyers’ satisfaction as the ultimate goal.
Board one of our charter flights to Havana and you are sure to see the attention we put intomaking your flight experience something to remember. We do not just promise a secure, comfortable and speedy flight; we also ensure that the entire experience is hassle-free and glitch-free, so you can get to your Havana holiday destination without stressing over the details. When you decide to sign up for a private charter, you will be free from the worries of fixing schedules, going through immigration and airport checks, flight and baggage transfers and more. You just need to sit back, relax and let us take you to your Havana holiday.
Need we say more? Fill out the form with your flight details now and et your free quote!